
The next best thing to your real teeth.

Either this section?

Having gaps in your teeth or wearing loose or uncomfortable dentures can seriously limit what you eat and can have a huge impact on your appearance and self-confidence.

The good news is that modern dentistry has a permanent solution for these problems with a 95% success rate, and it’s available at Brilliant Dental Care.

Dental implants feel and function just like natural teeth. Individually they can replace a single tooth, and multiple implants can restore a larger number of teeth, hold a denture firmly in place or even replace a full denture altogether. Implants are screwed into the jawbone and most patients undergo the procedure comfortably under local anaesthetic.

After implants are inserted into the jawbone a period of three to six months is required to allow them to integrate with the surrounding bone, a process known as osseointegration, before artificial teeth are fitted onto them. During this period temporary restorations may be needed until the implants are able to support the permanent artificial teeth.

Dental implants are designed to feel and function just like natural teeth and should last a lifetime.

They also have an added cosmetic benefit: because they halt the loss of bone mass in the jaw, a natural result of tooth loss, they can dramatically reverse the effects of ageing. Losing bone mass in the jaw hollows the cheeks and reduces volume in the face, and the long term wearing of dentures can cause the jaw bone to slip out of position, causing headaches and making eating difficult.

Dental implants are a reliable solution to halt all these processes and protect the long term health of the teeth and jaw, ensuring your face stays young and vital. They will also mean you don’t have to compromise your diet, making sure your overall health and digestion doesn’t suffer as a result of tooth loss.

Or these two sections?

Having gaps in your teeth or wearing loose or uncomfortable dentures can seriously limit what you eat and can have a huge impact on your appearance and self-confidence.

The good news is that modern dentistry has a permanent solution for these problems with a 95% success rate, and it’s available at Brilliant Dental Care.

Dental implants feel and function just like natural teeth. Individually they can replace a single tooth, and multiple implants can restore a larger number of teeth, hold a denture firmly in place or even replace a full denture altogether. Implants are screwed into the jawbone and most patients undergo the procedure comfortably under local anaesthetic.

After implants are inserted into the jawbone a period of three to six months is required to allow them to integrate with the surrounding bone, a process known as osseointegration, before artificial teeth are fitted onto them. During this period temporary restorations may be needed until the implants are able to support the permanent artificial teeth.

Dental implants are designed to feel and function just like natural teeth and should last a lifetime.

They also have an added cosmetic benefit: because they halt the loss of bone mass in the jaw, a natural result of tooth loss, they can dramatically reverse the effects of ageing. Losing bone mass in the jaw hollows the cheeks and reduces volume in the face, and the long term wearing of dentures can cause the jaw bone to slip out of position, causing headaches and making eating difficult.

Dental implants are a reliable solution to halt all these processes and protect the long term health of the teeth and jaw, ensuring your face stays young and vital. They will also mean you don’t have to compromise your diet, making sure your overall health and digestion doesn’t suffer as a result of tooth loss.

Our Cardiac Services

Evaluation and Treatment Plans
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Routine Checkups
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Heart Disease Treatment & Resources
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Valve Replacements & Testing
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Emergency Heart Care
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Interventional cardiology
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10 Tips For Keeping Your Hearth Healthy

Talk With a Cardiologist

24/7 service. Same Day Appointments are Available.

(344) 532-2352

1235 Divi St. #100, San Francisco, CA

What You Need to Know About Your Appointment

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A list of your medicines

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Family Medical History

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Your Medical History

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Brett Vasquez


Brilliant Dental Care is Our Mission


44 Talbot Road, Talbot Green, Pontyclun, Mid Glamorgan, CF72 8AF